Ultimar offers the ultimate protection from environmental impact to your vehicle’s exterior, including:
- UV Damage
- Bug Damage
- De-Icing Agents
- Hard Water Etching
- Bird Droppings
- Tree Sap
- Industrial Fallout
- Accidental Paint Overspray

Leather & Vinyl
Ultimar will protect and maintain your leather and vinyl appearance from:
- Stains
- Accidental Dye Transfer
- Rips
- Cuts
- Burns
- Punctures
- UV Damage
- Temperature Extremes
Ultra Shield works as an additional line of defense against windshield damage. (Product Application Only.)
This effective windshield protector is:
- Laboratory-Tested
- User-Friendly with Easy Application
Protect your windshield from:
- Rock Damage
- Chipping
- Scratches
Clouded headlights are more than just a cosmetic issue ? they can be a serious safety hazard!
Ultimar will protect your headlights from:
- Hazing
- Cloudiness
- Yellowing and Discoloration
- Chips
- Fading of the Headlight Surface